Friday, November 05, 2021

Dinos in Pop Culture - Animal Kingdom: Miscellaneous DinoLand U.S.A.

And for the last part of Animal Kingdom, we are going to look at many of the miscellaneous dinosaurs around DinoLand U.S.A.:

The entrance sign to DinoLand U.S.A. which features the Brachiosaurus from The Boneyard

Right next door to Chester and Hester's Dino-Rama! is Chester and Hester's Dinosaur Treasures store. Here we are looking at the front of the store and neighboring Dino-Rama!.

On the way to the store we have this random billboard, which is likely being used as a photopass backdrop.

And then there is this thing that has always fascinated me. This "thing" is also reminiscent of the Crystal Palace Iguanodon (like the Dino Diner in Chester and Hester's Dino-Rama!) but far more gaudy than anything has a right to be. 

Front entrance to the store with the appropriate billboards for the authentic time period. 

Another billboard over the store advertising our imminent doom by asteroid.

Within the store we have a plethora of dinosaurs littered about. 

With tons hung up from the ceiling.

And out the back door of the store there are a few random dinosaurs to play on. Unfortunately, it was getting dark by this time and I couldn't really take pictures of them but I did manage to grab a shot of the Corythosaurus here.

 Another Dino Institute logo on an ice cream stand. 

 My favorite sign of the entire park right here for "Trilo-bites".

  Here is a random dino skull and hands next to the "Gargantuasarus World Tours" sign, of which the name "Gargantuasarus" is completely made up. The skull itself here is also indecipherable, with hints of T. rex mixed up in it.

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